National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is wide registered in Govt. of India NCT New Delhi. National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) Regd.No. is S-64220,1233.National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is also registered in Ministry of HRD Govt. of India(Secondary and Higher Education CR Act L-55851/2013). National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is also registered in Department of Labour, Govt. of NCT, New Delhi. Registration no. is 2015002878. National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is a fastest national literacy programme sponsores,National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is ISO 9001 : 2008 certified organization. National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) conduct full/short term courses for the students. The objective of National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) is to impart of basic information about necessity of computer literacy in various field with quality knowledge in very affordable fees. The moto of mission is “IT of All“.
National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) is a successful training provider, our objective is to impart basis information about necessity of computer literacy in various fields, with quality knowledge.National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) is provide study material at very nominal cost. National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) to help students with a special facilities to them to participate in making “ HI-Tech INDIA”.
With increasing levels of automation cutting across Industries barriers, recruiters are looking for computer qualification as minimum skill set department to manage effectively the change in this fiercely competitive market. Even through the career opportunities are more in IT Industry. A basic academic education is must for each and person, similarly in IT Industry, Computer professional have opportunities to be a programmer, Analyst operator & many more.The objective of the National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) is to impart basic knowledge in computer field.National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) is Registered in Trade Marks Registry(MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY). National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) Trade Mark No. is 1891378 .National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is Registered in CENTRAL EXCISE AND CUSTOMS(MINISTRY OF FINANCE),NO. is BEDPK2679PSD001.