National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is wide registered in Govt. of India NCT New Delhi. National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) Regd.No. is S-64220,1233.National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is also registered in Ministry of HRD Govt. of India(Secondary and Higher Education CR Act L-55851/2013). National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is also registered in Department of Labour, Govt. of NCT, New Delhi. Registration no. is 2015002878. National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is a fastest national literacy programme sponsores,National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is ISO 9001 : 2008 certified organization. National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) conduct full/short term courses for the students. The objective of National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) is to impart of basic information about necessity of computer literacy in various field with quality knowledge in very affordable fees. The moto of mission is "IT of All".
National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) is a successful training provider, our objective is to impart basis information about necessity of computer literacy in various fields, with quality knowledge.National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) is provide study material at very nominal cost. National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) to help students with a special facilities to them to participate in making “ HI-Tech INDIA”.
With increasing levels of automation cutting across Industries barriers, recruiters are looking for computer qualification as minimum skill set department to manage effectively the change in this fiercely competitive market. Even through the career opportunities are more in IT Industry. A basic academic education is must for each and person, similarly in IT Industry, Computer professional have opportunities to be a programmer, Analyst operator & many more.The objective of the National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) is to impart basic knowledge in computer field.National Computer Saksharta Mission (NCSM) is Registered in Trade Marks Registry(MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY). National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) Trade Mark No. is 1891378 .National Computer Saksharta Mission(NCSM) is Registered in CENTRAL EXCISE AND CUSTOMS(MINISTRY OF FINANCE),NO. is BEDPK2679PSD001.
View Courses DOEACC - Bringing Quality Computer Education within Reach of More. DOEACC is an autonomous body of the Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India with Head Quarters at New Delhi. It is envisioned to bring the most updated global industry relevant computer education, within the reach of more and more in the areas of Information, Electronics and Communication Technology (IECT).Realizing the wide gap in the availability of quality computer professionals to meet India's ambitious leadership plans in software exports, the society has revolutionized computer knowledge dissemination, by offering its meticulously prepared curriculum through the non-formal sector. A fact that is perhaps best echoed by the whole-hearted support to the curriculum, by leading IT professionals and educationists. A unique feature of the curriculum, is horizontal entry to students from non-accredited institutes, so a student with a certain minimum level of computer knowledge need not start at the foundation 'O' level. The courses range from Entry Level to M.Tech Degree level:
● Certificate Course on Computer Concepts
● Foundation level
● Advanced Diploma level
● MCA Degree equivalent level and,
● M.Tech Degree level.
These courses are further reviewed and upgraded on a continual basis to suit changing industry needs and in line with technology trends, complying with the requirements of ISO 9001-2000.
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) formerly known as National Open School (NOS) was established in November,1989 as an autonomous organisation in pursuance of National Policy on Education 1986 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. NIOS is providing a number of Vocational, Life Enrichment and community oriented courses besides General and Academic Courses at Secondary and Senior Secondary level. It also offers Elementary level Courses through its Open Basic Education Programmes (OBE).Government of India through a gazette notification vested NIOS with the authority to examine and certify learners registered with it upto pre degree level courses whether Academic, Technical or Vocational. Association of Indian Universities, vide letter No .EV/11(354)/91/ 25 July, 1991 issued Equivalence of Senior Secondary Certificate Examination of NIOS.
The Prakhar Pragya Shiksha Prasar Evam Samaj Klyan Samiti, Sagar embarked on the programme of imparting higher education in this region in July 1994. Since then it has been striving to promote the cause of value-based quality education and the institutions it has sponsored has successfully conducted undergraduate and post-graduate courses in the emerging specialized areas of academic disciplines. The society through its SVN Group launched its first degree college at Amarmahu (Shahgarh). After experiencing success, it established colleges at Sagar, Panna Shahdol Narsinghpur, Chattarpur in Madhya Pradesh. These colleges were started to provide quality education to the students in most backward region of India –Bundelkhand, Madhya Pradesh. The SVN Group established its first Private University in the state in 2011 at Sagar. Its mission of changing the lives of youths across the country implies a nationwide presence of this university and translating into reality its dream of helping people to “create, transfer and apply knowledge” by bringing in the cutting edge technology from all parts of the globe. “We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far." -Swami Vivekanand
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Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is Central Govt. University Under MHRD Govt. Of India. The IGNOU as the largest Open University in the world is know engaging proactively with strengthening the skill base of the employable youth in the country while increasing level of enrollment of higher education tracts.
The Karnataka State Open University (KSOU), Mysore - a pioneer in the sphere of Distance Education in India, has great pleasure in greeting you here. For an education institution whose very building blocks are Openness and Universality, nothing more open and more Universal could have happened than this website. Karnataka State Open University is a well-known imparting quality education for all without any physical boundaries. People who are willing to have knowledge and certificate KSOU is the best university in the field of distance education
Central council of education is registered Govt. of India NCT, New Delhi by Registration Number is 1244 . Central Council of Education is registered HRD Ministry of Govt. of India (Secondary and Higher Education). Central Council of Education is registered Department of Labor Govt. of NCT. Central Council of Education is arranges management the all Vocational educational training , Technical education and Skill Development Training . Central Council of Education is establishment and maintenance of branches study centers, colleges all over India & Internationally. Central Council of Education establishment and support of fellowship and prizes for enhancements of education & training.
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