Fig .1
Ms- Excel is advanced version of Lotus- 123. It is Application software. By using these software we can create reports, chart and calculation of any row or column of any type of data. The ms- excel provide many function (Mathematical, Statistical function etc.)
Spreadsheet is the most important and the biggest part of excel. Which appears like a graph paper: As spreadsheet is big in size it is not completely visible on screen but its right side is always seen on the screen, from there we can start to input our data. The each and every small box upon the size of our data See fig. 4.2.
Fig .2
In spreadsheet, going from left to right is not recognized by the number but they are through the alphabets such as A, B, C they are known as column heading. See fig. 4.3.
Fig .3
Workbook is such a file in which are kept the spreadsheet and chart, in a worksheet we can keep chart, in a workbook we can keep only one type of or many spreadsheet related to one work.
Spreadsheet is also said to the worksheet. Worksheet is rectangular sheet in which there are made small boxes. Every box of worksheet is used to store the data as in the from of table and it can be moved or coping as per requirement this data can be calculated by giving formulae according to our work.
1). WORKSHEET: It is collection of column and row.
2). SPREADSHEET: It is group of worksheet. Also called work-book.
3). CELL: Intersection of every column and row is called cell.
4). SIZE OF WORKSHEET: In excel sheet consist of 256 column and 65536.
5). CELL ADDRESS: where the position of cell (For example C6) means is column and 6th row.
6). TYPE OF: After selecting ok button we the database file name as per following screen displayed:
The main following type of format cell is used in excel are:
GENERL: General format cell’s have on specific number format.
NUMBER: Number is used for general display of number.
DATE: Display Date formats.
TIME: Display Time formats.
PERCENTAGE: Percentage formats multiply the cell value by 100 and display the result with a percentage symbol.
The necessity to move form one cell to another all in order to input or edit the date in a worksheet. We can go on any cell very easily by the method given below:
Command Work
à Move one column left.
ß Move one column right.
↑ Move one row up.
↓ Move one row down.
Ctrl +↑ Move to the top most first row in which data is entered
Ctrl +↓ Move to the last first row in which data is entered.
Ctrl + à From left move to the first filled box.
Ctrl + ß From right move to the first felled box.
Home Move to the starting row.
End End mode is set
End +Enter Move to last cell.
PgUp Moves one screen up.
PgDn Moves one screen down.
Ctrl + Home Move to the topmost row the first box.
Ctrl End Move to the last filled box of spread sheet.
Alt + PgUp Move one screen right.
Alt + PgDn Moves one screen left.
Tab can be moved on the scroll in the required discretion and the work sheet can be moved very easily. if we want to move a row or a column then. We click once on the scroll bar or if we what to move many rows and column together then by the help of mouse tab is dragged. Worksheet is established in the direction in which, we drag the tab. See fig 4.4.
Fig .4
In worksheet, in order to move to the box which is at a distance for away, it is the simplest way to use the command ‘Edit Go to’ To use this method we must know the address of that cell we can move to any fixed cell by the following method.
Fig .5
1). ‘Go To’ option is clicked in ‘Edit’ menu The ‘Go To’ box is visible on the screen after that. See fig. 4.5.
2). In ‘Go To’ box on the ‘Reference’ option, the cell address is typed on which one has to go.
3). OK button is clicked or enter is pressed.
4). Now our cell pointer comes to specified cell address in move to move from one sheet to another in worksheet.
In excel, in a workbook, many worksheet are kept which can exchange data each other. This type of movement of going from one other worksheet, the use of key Ctrl + PgUp is down and to return back Ctrl + PgUp is done and to return back Ctrl + PgDn keys used.
To start work in the worksheet of excel has to be firstly formatted according our work. In order to format the worksheets we must know what type of data will be kept in it generally in excel. We can give in the form of number, text or formulae.
- 13. NUMBER
All the numbers, decimals formed on the basis or 0 to 9, #, %, +, – such fall under this category.
- 14. TEXT
All the alphabets from A to Z and the word formed by the use of these alphabets come under this category.
The formula made on the basis of mathematics for doing calculation are written with sign = in the staring. Example if the contents of cell c1, c2, c3, are to be added then the formula will be written as = c1+c2+c3
There are some words whose spelling we are in a habit to incorrectly. For example, if someone writes the spelling of her name Singeeta and we according to our habit write it Singeeta again ad again. In order to get rid of such errors we use the facility of ‘Auto Correct’ of excel. The word whose spelling is expected to be typed incorrectly is set in ‘Auto Correct’ and when we type that word excel itself corrects it Let us assume that we want to get rid of typing the word sangeeta as sangita them its setting will be done in the following manners.
Fig .6
Fig .7
Fig .8
Fig .9
- Auto Correct option will be chosen on tool menu. Now dialog box will be seen on the screen. See fig. 4.6
- The sign of ‘tick’ is placed on ‘Replace text as you type’ in check box and it will be present. See fig 4.7
- The possibility of the word being typed incorrectly is the box under ‘replace’ For example: We can type sangita here. See fig. 4.8
- In ‘with’ box the correct spelling of that word is typed. For example, we can type Sangeeta. See fig 4.9
- this word is added in dictionary by clicking the button ‘add’
- Now ‘OK’ button is pressed. After this action is down whenever we type the wrong spelling excel will itself correct it.
While doing the input of data we need to type some of the words again and again Excel gives us an important facility that whenever we type any word again some staring alphabets when matched it beings the first word itself in cell For example if in the cell earlier we typed name suranjana, Archana Gita, Now as we type in any cell surangana will automatically come in written if we want to keep this name in this cell we will press arrow key and move to the next cell or if we want to type any other word (say-sangeeta). Then we will type it fully Now it we type S in any other cell then any word will not come itself but as the common alphabets of suranjana or sangeeta match. For example if we type it in font of ‘S’ sangeeta word will appear of it ‘U’ is typed after S then suranjana will appear in this way, on the basis of alphabets, excel presents data for us in cell and provided us the facility of auto complete. See fig 4.10
Fig .10
In Worksheet we input different types of numbers. We want to keep some numbers up a fixed decimal place and some numbers with the sing of currency (such as -$) in this way, in format of data, time, percentage, fraction, scientific etc cell is format in different ways to keep the data For example. If we want to keep the number in cell up to three decimal places then following type of format will be done.
Fig .11
Fig .12
Fig .13
- The cell to be format is selected.
- Format option is chosen. See fig 4.11
- Cell option …… Is chosen. See fig 4.12
- The number option is clicked.
- The decimal place up to which we want digit, we type that number after the decimal place, in this example we will type 3.
- Click on OK button. See fig. 4.13
To Change width trough format menu if any input data is digger than the all the than in the cell ‘# # # # # # # # # # #’ will be seen in place of data In this way in that cell mouse bigger input can be down than the limit of its breadth.
- The cell whose breadth is to be changed is selected.
Fig .14
Fig .15
Fig .16
- In format menu, column if clicked, see fig 4.14
- In column sub menu, Width …. Is clicked. See fig 4.15
- We will type breadth in the ‘Colum width’ according to the requirement of alphabets kept in this column. See fig 4.16
- Now Ok button is pressed.
It is very easily to change the breadth by mouse the method is as follows.
- In the Right side margin of column heading ‘point’ Is done mouse.
- The arrow form of pointer when moved by mouse will increase or decrease the ‘Column width’ depending on the move to and for.
If we have done the input of all the data and then it comes to our mind that some row or column has been left to by typed shill that row and column can be inserted on its required place. In excel any blank row or column can be inserted, the method is the following way to insert row.
- The pointer is placed under the row where blank row is wanted. Foe example if
- A black space is wanted after number 1 then pointer is placed at row number 2.
- If move that one row are to be increased then many rows are selected below.
- Now in ‘Insert’ menu row is clicked on.
- After than ‘Black row’ appears on the selected place and all the data below moves down words one by one.
Fig .17
Fig. 18
As insert way row is inserted column is also inserted in that manner.
- The Right of column there you want the black column the pointer is placed in front of that. For example if we want to inset column B after column A then pointer will be placed on B.
- If more than one column is needed then tat many blank columns can b selected on right side.
- Click on insert menu. See fig.
- The option of column is clicked. In this way blank column is inserted See fig 4.18
- Those cell are selected which are to be coping and taken to other place See fig. 4.19
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
- The border of cells which are blacked is clicked then the mouse pointer changes from + to arrow () form.
- All the ‘Cells’ whose contents we want to copy from one place to another they are dragged through the mouse from that corner to the other corner in front, then all the cells get select.
- With one hand ctrl key is pressed & through mouse the selected cell box are dragged to the place where the contents o cell are to keep. See fig 4.20
- Those cells are selected which are moved and taken to other place. See fig. 4.21
- The border of cells which are bloke I clicked then the mouse pointer changes from cross + to arrow () from
- All the cells whose content we want to copy from one place to another they are dragged through the mouse from that corner to the other corner in front, then all the cells get select.
- With the help of mouse, the box of selected cells is dragged to that place where you want to ‘mouse’ them in a workbook there are many worksheet selected to one work. The method of copying files in between then is as follows. See fig. 4.2.
In a workbook there are many worksheet related to one work. The method of copying files in between then is as follows-
Fig .21
In Excel if We want to copy the contents of any worksheet in other worksheet then.
- That range will be selected which is to be copied.
- The chosen range box will be clicked.
- With one hand ctrl and alt key be pressed a with the other hand holding the brother of that box drag it that worksheet and release it on taking it on tab. Now the chosen rage of our. First worksheet is copied in the other worksheet copy from one workbook to another.
When in workbook we work in any worksheet and want its contents to be coping to the worksheet of another workbook then the action will be as follows.
- That range is selected in worksheet which is be coping in another workbook.
- Whichever range we have selected now the complete box of it is clicked.
- Whit one hand control key is pressed and with the other. Hand the box is dragged through mouse in that worksheet in which it is to be coping.
If we have saved our worksheet earlier then by pressing ctrl + s is can be saved. Again But if worksheet is saved for saved for the first time the following method I followed.
- File menu is clicked on. See fig. 4.22
- ‘Save As’ option is chosen then dialog box is visible on the screen. See fig 4.23
Fig .22
Fig 23
- In the ‘Save in’ that drive and folder are shown in which the file is ready to ‘Save now if we want ‘Save’ our worksheet in any other drive and folder then it is selected in the box in front of ‘Save in ‘.
- By pressing ‘tab’ we come in the box ‘File menu’ and then for our worksheet file any such appropriate Small is types. Which can be remembered and we can recognize our worksheet file in the lost of file.
- Only Microsoft excel book is highlighted in the save as type box, save as
- ‘Save’ button is clicked by mouse. In this way worksheet is saved in the form of a file on the disk which can be opened again and can be used.
If we want to ‘save’ our workbook like template then ‘Template’ is highlighted is ‘Save As Type’ box The method is as follows.
- File menu is clicked on. See fig. 4.24
- Save As options is clicked then save as dialog box is seen on the screen. See fig 2.25
Fig .23
Fig .24
Fig .25
- Template folder is selected to place template on general tab.
- To open the new folder to template the new folder button is clicked.
- Template option is chosen by clicking on save as type See fig 4.26
- On creating new folder in templates a new tab appears on the screen.
When we want to find the total of the contents of some of together then in excel we use the sum function if in tool bar we know about the auto sum button we can press it find the sum. The method is in this way.
- All the cell which are kept together whose contents. Sum is to be found out are selected.
Fig .26
Fig .27
- In standard tool bar ‘auto sum’ button is pressed As a result, all the cells that are selected by us the sum of their contents appears on the screen. See fig 4.28
Some logical operators are used with if function then according t those operators, when the condition is established a type of action is performed and if not established in that condition, the other type.
The logical operators which are used with IF function are follows:
=Equal to
Fig .28
Fig .29
Fig .30
Fig .31
<> Not equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>=Grater that or equal to
<= Less that equal to
We get if () in function wizard in logical category.
Let us assume that we have to give bonus to our worker for the following conditions are there:
Those who are working for a time of 5 less that they will be given 5 percent salary.
Those who are working for of a time 10 years or less than they will be given 10 percent.
Those who are working for a time of 20 years or less than that they will given 20 percent
Those who have been working for a time of 25 years of more they will be given 25 percent
On the basis or these conditions if function is used to calculate bonus/ the method is as follows:
- The point is placed in that cell from which result is desired. see 4.29
- Insert menu is clicked on.
- Function option is clicked on then the ‘Paste function’ dialog box is visible on the screen see fig. 4.30
- Logical option is clicked in function category.
- In ‘Function name’ if clicked on see fig. 4.31
- When ok button is clicked then other dialog box appears see fig 4.32
- In logical test box that condition is typed which we want to check. Foe example if Length of service is in C3 then to give the condition in if function, C3 >= 20 is typed.
- The process is down in value if true box when condition is true. For example when the value of all address is more than 20 for the salary then 25 percent bonus is given. Hence (DB*25) or 100 will be typed.
- An action performed when the condition is false is down in the option ‘Value if false’ in this way a condition can be checked every time and when our data matches the condition than result obtained on its basis can be checked.
10. This work is ended by clicked the ok button.
Fig .32
Create a new blank file.
Alternative: File “New
Shortcut Ctrl +N
Saves the active file.
Alternative: File “Save
Shortcut Ctrl +S
Print Preview
Display full page as they are printed.
Alternative: File “Print Preview.
Shortcut Ctrl +F2
Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard.
Alternative: Edit “Cut
Shortcut Ctrl + X
Insert the Clipboard contents at the insertion point.
Alternative: Edit “Paste
Shortcut Ctrl + V
Reversers certain last commands.
Alternative: Edit “Undo
Shortcut Ctrl + Z
Insert Hyperlink
Displays the destination object, document or page.
Shortcut Ctrl + O
Opens or finds a file.
Alternative: File “Open
Shortcut Ctrl + p
Sends contents o the current worksheet as body of the e-mail message.
Prints the active file using current defaults.
Alternative: File “Print
Shortcut Ctrl + P
Checks the spelling in he active file.
Alternative: Tools “Spelling
Shortcut F7
Copies the selection and puts it on the clipboard.
Alternative: Edit “Copy
Shortcut Ctrl + C
Format Painter
Copies the formatting of the selection to a specified location.
Shortcut Ctrl + Shift + C
Reverses the action of the Undo command.
Alternative: Edit “Repeat
Shortcut Ctrl + Y
Auto Sum
Add numbers automatically with the SUM function. Excel suggests the range of cells to be added. If the suggested range is incorrect, drag through the range you want, and then press ENTER.
Sort Ascending
Sorts the selected items in order from the beginning of the alphabet, the lowest number or the earliest data, using the column that contains the insertion point. If you previously set other sorting options. Those options are still in effect.
Chart Wizard
Starts the Chart Wizard, which guides you through the steps for creation an embedded chart on a worksheet or modifying an existing chart.
Zoom Control
Scaliest the editing view (Zoom)
Alternative: View “Zoom
Paste Function
Displays a list of function and their formats and allows you to set values for arguments.
Sort Descending
Sort the selected items in the order form the end of the alphabet, the highest number or the highest data using the column that contains the insertion point. If you previously set other sorting options, those options are still in effect
Alternative: Table “Sort
Shows or hides the Drawing Toolbar.
Alternative: View “Toolbar” Drawing.
Microsoft excel Help
Provides help topics and tips to accomplish your task.
Alternative: Help “Microsoft Excel
Shortcut F1
Fig .33
Changes the font of the selection.
Alternative: Format “Font
Shortcut Ctrl +Shift+ F
Makes the selection Bold.
Alternative: Format “Font” Font Style
Shortcut Ctrl +B
Font Size
Changes the font size of the selection.
Alternative: Format “Font” Size
Shortcut Ctrl + shift+ P
Make the selection Italics.
Alternative: Format “Font” Font style
Shortcut Ctrl +I
Under line
Formats the selection with continuous underline.
Alternative: Format “Font” Effects
Shortcut Ctrl + U
Align Right
Aligns the paragraph at right indent.
Alternative: Format “Paragraph” Alignment
Shortcut Ctrl + R
Marge and centre
Combines two or more selected adjacent cells to create a single cell. The resolution merged cell contains only the upper left most data in the selection, which is centered within the cell. He cell reverence for a merged cell is the upper left cell in the original selection range.
Percent Style
Applies the percent style to the selection cells. To change the Percent Style, use the Style command on the Format menu.
Increase Decimal
Increase the number of digits displayed after the decimal point in the selected cells.
Decrease Indent
Decreases or promotes the selection one level.
Alternative: Format “Paragraph” Indentation
Shows or hide the border toolbar.
Alternative: Format “Border and shading
Font Color
Selects and applies Font Color.
Alternative: Format “Font Color.
Align Left
Aligns the paragraph at left indent.
Alternative: Format “Paragraph” Alignment
Shortcut Ctrl +L
Centers the paragraphs between the indents.
Alternative: Format “Paragraph” Alignment
Shortcut Ctrl + E
Applies on international currency style to the selected cells. Depending on the country selected in the Windows Regional Settings dialog box, the International Currency Style button might appear instead of the currency style button.
Comma Style
Applies he comma style to the selected cells. To change the comma style, use the Style command on the Format menu.
Decrease Decimal
Decreases the number of digits displayed after the decimal point in the selected cells.
Increase Indent
Increase indent or demote the selection one level.
Alternative; Format “Paragraph” Indentation
Fill color
Add modifies, or removes this fill color or fill effect from the selected object. Fill effects include gradient, texture, pattern or picture fills.
Fig .34
Activates the Draw Menu.
Free Rotate
Rotates the selected object to any degree.
Select the object, click on the icon and
Then drag a corner of the object in the
Direction you want to rotate it.
Draws a straight line where you click or drag in the active Window.
To constrain the line to draw at 15 degree angle from its starting
Point, hold down SHIFT as you drag.
Draws and rectangle where you click or drag in the active window.
To draw a square, press SHIFT and drag.
Text Box
Draws a text box where you click or drag in the active window.
Use a text box to add a text –such as captions or callouts
To your pictures or graphics.
Alternative: Insert – Text Box.
Clip Art
Opens the clip Gallery where you can select the insert
In your file or update your clip art collection.
Alternative: Insert – Picture- Clip Art.
Select objects
Changes the pointer to a selection arrow so that you can
Select objects in the active window. To select a single
Object clicks the object with the arrow.
To select one or more object you want to select.
Auto shapes
Activates the Auto Shapes menu.
Inserts a line with an arrowhead where you click or drag
In the active window. To constain the line to draw at the
15- degree angle from its starting point, hold down SHIFT
as you drag.
Draws an oval where you click or drag in the
Active window. To draw a circle, press SHIFT
And drag.
Word art
Creates text effects by inserting a Microsoft Office
Drawing object.
Alternative: Insert – Picture – Word Art.
Line Color
Adds, modifies, or removes the line
Color from the selected object.
Fill Color
Adds, modifies, or removes the fill color or fill
Effect from the selected object. Fill effects
Include gradient, texture, pattern and picture fills.
Line Style
Click the width you want for
The selected line.
Arrow style
Click the arrowhead style you want for the selected line.
3- D
Click the 3- D style you want for the
Selected object.
Font Color
Formats the selected text with
The color you click fills.
Dash style
Click the dashed line or dash dot line style you
Want for the selected shape or border. Click the
Solid line if you don’t want the dotted line.
Click the shadow style you want for
The selected object..
Functions are power tools which help you perform complex computer icons easily and quickly. Functions are like predefined formulas in which the user has to simply provide the values based upon which the calculations are done.
SUM (): the Sum () function calculates the sum (total) of entries in a specified range. In our present example we have a range A2 To A8 for which we want to add up the numbers.
=sum (A2:A8)
ROUND (): The Round () function rounds of a number to the specified number of decimal places. In our present example we have a number 3.786 which we want to round off only tow decimals.
=round (3.786, 2)
SQRT (): The SQRT function calculators the square root of any specified number. In our present example we have number 9 for which we want to find out the square root. If the 9 in cell address c3 then
=sqrt (c3) will be type
AVERAGE (): The AVERAGE () function calculates the average of a series of specified number. In our present example we have number, 9 and 81, for which we want to calculation the average.
If in c10 and in c11
=average (c10:c11)
MAX (): The MAX () unction finds our maximum (highest) value from a series of specified numbers. In our present example we have a range of four cells A2 to A5 from which the highest number has to be found out.
=max (A2:A5)
MIN (): The MIN () function finds our maximum (smallest) value from a series of specified numbers. In our present example we have a range of file cell 2 to A6 in form which the smallest number has to be found out.
=min (A2:A6)
COUNT (): The COUNT () function finds our total number of entries in a specified range. In our present example we have a range A2 to A7 in which we want to count the number of entries.
=count (A2:A7)
ABS (): The ABS () function is used to get the absolute value of a number. The absolute value of a number means the number without plus or minus sign. In our present example we have a number – 45 in the cell A11 for which we want to get the absolute value.
=abs (A11)
UPPER (): The UPPER () function is used to convert your case text entry into upper case i.e. capital letters. In cell 13 there is a text entry ‘big’ which has to be converter to caps.
=upper (A13)
LOWER (): The LOWER () function is used to convert and upper case text into lower case, i.e. small. In cell A14 there is a text entry “SMALL” which has to be converted to small letters.
=lower (A14)
Fig .35
For create a chart in excel we take following step:
- Select the Data Range (Row and Column, which you want to create a graph) Then click on Insert menu and select chart option or click on graph icon.
The following box will be display:
- In these box we choose the column graph (for example) then click to next option. The box will be appear.
Fig .36
- Now here, we will select the series tab then the box will be look like.
Fig .37
Here Series 1, Series 2, Series 3 etc will be display for giving label name of series.
Now, In name option we gave the name of Series. In category (X) axis label we write the label of X-axis. Then click on next button. The following type box will be appear.
Fig .38
Here, type the chart title, type the category (X) axis name, Category (Y) axis name. Then Click on Next button.
Fig .39
- In these options if we use as new option then the chart will create on new sheet. If we use object then the chart will be display on working sheet position.
- After that, we click on Finish option.
If you are not satisfied with your print area you can change it for this, you perform the following action.
Fig .40
Fig .32
- On clicking ‘File Menu’ the ‘Page set up…’ option is clicked ‘Page set up…’ dialog box appears. See fig 4.41
- In the above dialog box, sheet option is clicked, the sheet dialog box appears. See fig 4.42
- In the ‘Print area’ that part of worksheet is decided which to be is sent to print let us assume that we want range form A1 to G10 then we will type A1, G10.
- Now Ok button is clicked. In this way the range chosen by us is set in ‘Print area’.
If before, taking out the print out of worksheet on paper we see the ‘preview’ of it on screen then the problem of in correct Printing can be rid of. The method to preview is as.
Fig .41
- File menu is clicking on. See fig 1.13.
- Print preview option is chosen then on screen the following id seen in this way see fig. 4.44.
- Zoom button is clicked for closer view of the page from any place.
- If after book at the preview we are satisfied and we want to take the same print on paper then click on ‘Print’ button If any error is found in the print then by pressing close button again come on the worksheet.
If we have down all the type of setting and now we to start printing then it is sent to printer in the following Manner.
Fig .42
Fig .43
Fig .44
Fig .45
- The ‘File Menu’ is Pull down’ See fig. 4.45
- Print option is chosen See fig. 4.46
- With the help of tab, in print what option, bullet of select sheet (s) box is clicked?
- If ‘Page Range’ you want to take out print of all pages then the option in font of page(s) option, form and to the number of page is typed on the.
- The number of copies to print is typed in option. ‘copy’.
- When ‘Properties’ option is clicked other dialog box is seen on the screen See fig. 4.47
- Graphics option is clicked then graphics dialog box is seen on the screen. In the above dialog box resolution, dithering intensity and graphics mode can set. See fig 4.49.
- OK button is clicked.
- If we want to that how worksheets are will look on paper after print then preview button can be clicked.
- 10. The printing of our worksheet can be started by clicking ‘Print’ button.
11. OK button is clicked on. New the paper starts to print on printer.
- File option is clicked by mouse then exit option is clicked by mouse. A dialog box is viewed on screen which demands the information to ‘Save the excel file.
- If the changes down in file are be saved then ‘Yes’ and if not to be saved then ‘No’ and if excel is to be closed then ‘cancel’ option is clicked.
- Let us suppose that you choose ‘Yes’ option then file is saved and excel closed down.
Fig .46